City of Pomona Housing Study

The need for quality, affordable housing across all income levels is great. Yet, constraints such as land availability, land acquisition costs, and construction costs, among many others, limit the swift production of housing that is so critically needed. 

The TCC Pomona Housing Study and Parking Study is a timely, robust analysis of the city’s downtown core, providing development strategies to move the city closer to achieving its housing goals.  This Project was made possible due to funding by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) through the State’s Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) Grant Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) grant program. 

The plan assessed parking, mobility and open space infrastructure and housing feasibility for Pomona’s City-owned parking lots within its downtown area to potentially support housing development and support the City’s goals for a more vibrant downtown. The document provides three development approaches for the city to consider when planning for future economic growth and development opportunities. These development approaches will serve as a guide as the city considers future development opportunities to catalyze downtown growth. 

This plan utilized a robust approach to engagement with Pomona residents, the Vehicle Parking District Commission and City Council, as well as critical stakeholders such as the Downtown Pomona Owner’s Association and Western University. Synthesis of past reports and stakeholder input lead to draft recommendations including the following: 

• An implementation the creation and issuance of RFPs for three or more development sites suitable for housing. 

• Parking management and allocation within the downtown area

• Multi-modal and open space amenities for future residents

• Enhancements that assist The City of Pomona meet its sustainability goals – including energy and water efficiency


Southern California Association of Governments


Pomona, CA


17 AC


  • Landscape Architecture
  • Urban Planning + Design