Oak Brook Reserve Master Plan
Oak Brook, IL
The University of Missouri–St. Louis Campus approved LJC’s Master Plan in November 2021 following a year-long, inclusive planning process. To incorporate the experiences and ideas of UMSL’s constituents and surrounding communities, a comprehensive survey, as well as stakeholder sessions, were held to gather detailed feedback about the physical spaces and amenities individuals wanted to see on and around campus to support future growth. LJC worked with UMSL to frame the study around six defining factors:
UMSL and St. Louis Working & Evolving Together – Universities and their host cities are increasingly reaching out to each other to reinforce partnerships, repair neighborhoods, and promote a quality of life that can advance the competitiveness of both town and gown. Together, they become a setting for learning and research, attracting the best and brightest – to build knowledge communities and anchor talent.
Simultaneously Addressing Multiple Campus Building Objectives – The physical campus is a significant asset that supports University functions, shapes your community, and contributes to your identity. Physical planning must also support the broader academic and research objectives of the institution.
Building a Beautiful Campus – While the degree to which universities are now integrally connected to global communities has been driven by technology, this has not diminished the importance of place-making in the formation and support of university communities and their activities.
Promoting Transit-Oriented Development on Campus – As UMSL continues to urbanize, relying on transportation modes other than the private automobile will be increasingly important. This means promoting transit, walkability, and cycling.
Sustainable Campus Intensification – Promoting sustainable campus development is a priority for most institutions, and for our team, sustainability starts at the scale of the campus and is inherent in what we do.
Defining and Promoting Projects – The plans we create will serve as a platform for the definition of projects, as well as act as promotional tools, communicating the potential of the campus and the benefits of projects currently being advanced.
The result is a is a flexible Campus Master Plan that shapes the campus environment over the next five years, but extends far beyond as needs, opportunities, and resources advance to ensure that spaces in and around UMSL serve our communities now and into the future.